| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Aldo Tambellini

The German scholar Otto Piene, had been suggested by Aldo Tambellini for Director of MIT. Otto had just given a talk at his 1975 suggested program Art Transition. Since Otto had been impressed by an article that Sonia had written he also invited her to give a talk at Art Transition.

Otto gave an impressive enlightened introductory talk on Art Transition that so excited and impressed Sonia that she tried to jump onto the stage from the floor at the stage base where she was standing. Side by side with Sonia was Aldo Tambellini. As Sonia grabbed the stage floor rim she toppled onto Aldo, to whom she had not yet been introduced. This was my first introduction to Aldo. During the rest of the day Aldo and I enthusiastically established a lifetime friendship.

A 1975 memory from Sonia Sheridan November 2020 ninety-five-year-old mind.