| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Véronique Caye

theatre director and a filmmakerat Laboratoire Victor Vérité
Focus area: AI (Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Deep Fakes), Augmented Reality, Digital Art, New Media, Performance Art, Theater Studies, Video, Film

Véronique Caye is a theatre director and a filmmaker. She obtained a Master’s degree in Fine Arts at the University Paris VIII. She studied Cinema at the French National Film School « La Femis ». In 2015, she was invited to the College-teatro of the Venice Biennale directed by Romeo Castellucci. She developed several hybrid and experimental performances and installations through visual research based on creative poetic use of digital technologies. She is the author of the book "Vera Icona Abécédaire de image scène" published in 2021 by Editions Hèmatomes Belgium

Journal Articles:
Artists’ Articles

The Vera Icona Installation and Performance: A Reflection on Face Surveillance in Contemporary Society

October 2022
General Articles

Gardien du Temple

February 2020