| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Julie Gonnering Lein

United States
Focus area: , AI (Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Deep Fakes), Computer Science, Engineering, Generative Practices, Generative Art, Systems, Writing, Literature, Poetry, Performance Art, Theater Studies

Julie Gonnering Lein holds a PhD in Literature and Creative Writing from the University of Utah, where, as a postdoctoral research fellow, she helped create the poetry visualization programs Poem Viewer and Poemage under Digging Into Data Challenge and NEH Digital Humanities Start Up grants. Exploring relationships between literature and science (especially technology and Complexity Science), her creative writing and scholarship have appeared in such journals as Modernism/modernity, Western Humanities Review, Terrain.org, Best New Poets and elsewhere. Her poetry has won the Larry Levis Memorial Poetry Prize (Academy of American Poets), the Hal Prize, and the Winter Anthology annual contest among other honors. Her chapbook Glacier, Perfect Tense is available from dancing girl press & studio.