| Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

Dr. Laura Scherling

Director and Facultyat Columbia University
United States
Focus area: Cryptography, Cryptology, Blockchain, Data Art, Science, Design, UX, UI Design, Visual Culture, Visual Studies

Laura Scherling is a senior interactive designer, researcher, and educator––working and teaching at Columbia University. Scherling holds a doctorate from Columbia University Teachers College. She is the co-editor of the recently published book Ethics in Design and Communication: Critical Perspectives (Bloomsbury Academic UK). Scherling is also the co-founder of GreenspaceNYC, a nonprofit sustainability and design collective. Her work has been published by Brookings Metro, Design and Culture, Spark Journal, Interiors: Design/Architecture/Culture, The Urban Activist, and the Futures Worth Preserving Cultural Constructions of Nostalgia and Sustainability.