Leonardo, Volume 34, Issue 5 | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University
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Director's Statement

Editor's Introduction

Digital Salon Essays

  • From Memory Arts to the New Code Paradigm: The Artist as Engineer of Virtual Information Space and Virtual Experience
    Richard K. Merritt, Brett Ian Balogh
    Get at MIT Press

    This paper examines contemporary developments in the creation and experience of immersive 3D art projects in the context of spatial and information design. It takes into consideration historic forebears, particularly the ancient Greek art of memory, contemporary theorists, and current new media artists who are pushing code and application design to new limits. The essay specifically addresses the role of the artist as “coder” and application engineer and anticipates concerns and possible technological developments in data visualization and virtual spaces. As new media artists write their own code, current boundaries between disciplines and sectors become blurred and new aesthetic judgments become pivotal. Additionally, current management and organizational structures are challenged to confront a world that increasingly visualizes and communicates in 3D.

Digital Salon Catalog


Leonardo, Volume 34, Issue 5

October 2001