SPECIAL PROJECTS:Synesthesia and Intersenses Special ProjectSynesthesia is the phenomenon in which the stimulation of one sense modality gives rise to a sensation in another sense modality. For example, some people have the sensation of seeing colors when hearing music. Artists, historians and scientists have all contributed writings to Leonardo's Synesthesia and Intersenses Special Project. Scientists and researchers are invited to explore the nature and history of synesthesia. Artists who are currently working on projects incorporating intersense relationships, such as in Intermedia works, are encouraged to submit papers. We are interested in learning not only about actual intersense experiences, but also about works that result from the working out of complex systems of equivalences. A number of texts on the topic of synesthesia have been published in Leonardo to date. For more information contact Jack Ox: jackox@bway.net or Jacques Mandelbrojt jmandelbrojt@wanadoo.fr
First posted 1999. |