Iannis Xenakis Bibliography and Discography
Compiled by James Harley. Email: jharley@uoguelph.ca.
Iannis Xenakis was born in 1922 into a Greek family residing in Braila, Romania. The sense of being an `ousider' has remained integral to his identity, as the title of a recently published book of interviews signals: "il faut etre constamment un immigré."Xenakis lost his mother when he was five years old, then was sent off to boarding school on the Greek island of Spetsai at age ten. He studied civil engineering at the Athens Polytechnic, but the German invasion followed by the British occupation drew him into the Resistance, activities from which he would end up near fatally wounded, losing one eye, then later condemned to death. Forced to escape his country, Xenakis ended up in Paris, wanting to study music, but earning a living working as an engineering assistant for Le Corbusier.
His creative and intellectual intensity attracted the attention of both the reknowned architect, who delegated architectural projects to him in spite of his lack of professional training, and the composer and pedagogue Olivier Messiaen, who saw in the music he was struggling to produce in isolation an originality deserving of encouragement. Xenakis had his first major succes du scandale with the premiere of Metastasis at the Donaueschingen Festival in 1955, and by 1960, he was able to devote himself entirely to composition.
Critical of other developments in contemporary music at the time, dominated by the serialists (`Darmstadt school') such as Pierre Boulez, Luigi Nono, and KarlheinzStockhausen, Xenakis followed his own path, aided by his background in mathematics, engineering and design, and by his interest in complex sonic phenomena (rainstorms, street demonstrations, etc.). He incorporated probability theory into his compositional approach, as a means of generating and controlling large-scale events composed of massive numbers of individual elements. He also adopted the sonic entity (texture) as the primary material for the construction of musical form (rather than themes, or pitch structures).
For over forty years, Xenakis has created a steady stream of remarkable works, and his impact on contemporary music has been of crucial importance. Along with his acoustic works, he has produced a number of important electroacoustic pieces, and a series of multimedia creations involving sound, light, movement, and architecture (polytopes). In the domain of computer music, Xenakis was a pioneer in the area of algorithmic composition, and has also developed an approach to digital synthesis based on random generation and variation of the waveform itself. In addition, he designed a computer system utilizing a graphic interface (the UPIC), which has proven to be a liberating, provocative pedagogical tool as well as a powerful environment for computer composition.
Iannis Xenakis died on February 4, 2001, at age 78. He had been suffering from a number of serious ailments for several years. His last completed composition, O-Mega, for solo percussion and ensemble, written for Evelyn Glennie and the London Sinfonietta, was premiered at the Huddersfield Festival of Contemporary Music in November 1997. His "retirement" was enforced by a loss of memory that made it impossible to compose, and by increasingly frequent periods in the hospital, lapses into coma, and so forth. At the same time, however, Xenakis continued to be feted around the world. He was awarded the Kyoto Prize (Japan) in 1997, the UNESCO International Music Prize in 1998, and the Polar Prize (Sweden) in 1999. In December 2000, the world premiere of a couple of his very early works, from the Anasteria triptych based on an ancient Greek rite, took place in Germany, almost 50 years after they were composed (1952-53).
Xenakis's legacy will be discussed for some time to come, no doubt. His music and thought will continue to exert an important influence on contemporary music. Hopefully, performers and producers will be spurred to program more of Xenakis's music, and to record more of it for commercial release. There are still a good number of powerful, fascinating pieces that need to be better known.
The bibliography given here lists only the main publications on and by Xenakis (books, journal issues, dissertations). Some can be found in, or ordered from, bookstores; others will be found in university music libraries. More complete bibliographies can be found in several of these publications, with listings of articles, reviews, interviews, and so forth.
The discography is organized into two parts. The first lists the compact disc recordings that are presently available (though some may require diligent searching, or special order). They are arranged in reverse chronological order. The second part lists in alphabetical order the pieces that are known to have been released on CD, along with the details of the recordings. Some of these recordings are out-of-print or otherwise difficult to track down.
The pieces recorded constitute just over half of Xenakis's catalogue, which now numbers some 140 works. While most of the electroacoustic/computer music pieces have been released, along with many of the chamber works, only a handful of the orchestral compositions have been recorded. This is truly a shame, as Xenakis has written a large number (around forty), and this medium is central to his musical concerns. Indeed, it is difficult to gain an understanding of Xenakis's evolution as a composer without being able to hear more of these works. In North America, particularly, there are very few performances of the orchestral music, making the availability of recordings essential. The situation is starting to improve, so let us hope it continues.
Corrections and additions to these documents are welcome.
Writings by the Composer
Musiques formelles: nouveaux principes formels de composition musicale, rev. ed. Paris: Stock, 1981 (first published in French in 1963). Published in English in expanded form as Formalized Music, rev. ed. Stuyvesant: Pendragon Press, 1992 (first published in English in 1971). The major work outlining the theoretical, technical, and philosophical basis of Xenakis's original approach to music.
Musique. Architecture, rev. ed. Paris: Casterman, 1976 (first published in 1971). Published in English as Music. Architecture, tr. Sharon Kanach. Stuyvesant: Pendragon Press (forthcoming).
Arts/sciences: Alliages. Tournai: Casterman, 1979. Published in English as Arts/Sciences - Alloys, tr. Sharon Kanach. Stuyvesant: Pendragon Press, 1985. A transcription/adaptation of Xenakis' doctoral defence.
Kéleütha: Écrits. Preface and notes by Benoît Gibson. Paris: L'Arche, 1994. A collection of fifteen articles, written between 1955 and 1988.
Musique et originalité. Paris: Séguier, 1996. A collection of four articles
Baltensperger, André. Iannis Xenakis und die Stochastische Musik: Komposition im Spannungsfeld von Architektur und Mathematik. Zurich: Paul Haupt, 1995.
Barthel-Calvet, Anne-Sylvie. Le rythme dans lÕÏuvre et la pensŽe de Xenakis. Doctoral Dissertation. Paris, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, 2000.
Biasi Salvatore di. Musica e matematica negli anni 50-60: Iannis Xenakis. Bologne, Universida degli Studi di Bologna, 1994.
Bois, Mario. Xenakis: The Man and his Music. London: Boosey & Hawkes, 1967.
Charles, Daniel. La pensée de Xenakis. Paris: Boosey & Hawkes, 1968.
Chouvel, Jean-Marc. Iannis Xenakis ou lÕavenir de la musique. Paris, Observatoire Musical Fran�ais, 2002.
Colloque Xenakis. ed. Makis Solomos & Marianne Lyon. (forthcoming). Proceedings of the research papers presented at the Xenakis Symposium held in Paris, 29-30 January 1998.
Cubillas Morales, Juan Manuel. Iannis Xenakis, Nomos alpha: una aproximacion inicial hacia el analisis de un encuentro, en el siglo XX, entre la musica y la matematica (Teoria de Grupos). Valparaiso, Universidad Catolica, 1993.
Da Silva Santana, Helena Maria. Analyse de l'activitŽ rythmique chez Iannis Xenakis (Persephassa pour six percussionnistes et Psappha pour un percussionniste).Master's Thesis. Paris, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales/Ecole Normale SupŽrieure/IRCAM, 1995.
Delalande, François. "Il faut être constamment un immigré": Entretiens avec Xenakis. Paris: Buchet/Chastel, 1997.
DeLio, Thomas. "Structure and Strategy: Iannis Xenakis' Linaia-Agon." Doctoral Dissertation. University of Maryland, 1985.
'Dossier Iannis Xenakis.' Entretemps no. 6 (1988): 57-143. Collection of six articles in French, along with a list of works, discography and bibliography.
Eichert, Randolph. Iannis Xenakis und die mathematische Grundlagenforschung. Sarrebruck: Pfau Verlag, 1994.
'Espace Xenakis.' ed. Serge Provost. Circuit 5/2 (1994). Collection of five articles and one interview in French.
Flint, Ellen Rennie. "An Investigation of Real Time as Evidenced by the Structural and Formal Multiplicities in Iannis Xenakis' 'Psappha'." Doctoral Dissertation. University of Maryland College Park, 1989.
Gibson, Benoît. "Xenakis: Organisation de l'espace, techniques d'écriture, orchestration, 1954-1962." DEA Thesis. Paris: IRCAM, 1992.
Harley, James. The Music of Iannis Xenakis. Contemporary Music Studies. London: Harwood Academic Press (forthcoming). An overview of the complete oeuvre of Xenakis, along with detailed discussions of key works.
Hoffmann, Peter. Amalgam aus Kunst und Wissenschaft: Naturwissenschaftliches Denken im Werk von Iannis Xenakis. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1994.
Iannis Xenakis, Gérard Grisey. La métaphore lumineuse. ed., Makis Solomos. Paris, LÕHarmattan, 2003.
Iliescu, Mihu. "Musical et extramusical: elements de pensée spatiale dans l'oeuvre de Iannis Xenakis." Doctoral Dissertation. Paris: Université de Paris I, 1996.
Lacroix, Marie-Hortense. Pléiades de Yannis Xenakis. Paris, Michel de Maule, 2001.
Lebens, James C. "An analysis of `Keren' for solo trombone by Iannis Xenakis: Randomly generated music within a symmetrical framework and performance considerations." Doctoral Thesis. Seattle: University of Washington, 1993.
Lukes, Roberta Dorothy. "The `Poème electronique' of Edgard Varèse." Doctoral Dissertation. Cambridge: Harvard University, 1996.
Malt, Mikhail. Trois aspects de formalisation musicale dans 'Achorripsis' de Iannis Xenakis. DEA Thesis. Paris: IRCAM, 1991.
Matossian, Nouritza. Iannis Xenakis. Paris: Fayard, 1981. Published in English as Xenakis. London: Kahn & Averill, 1986. An in-depth biography.
Montague, Eugene. The limits of logic: Structure and aesthetics in Xenakis' `Herma'. Master's Thesis. Amherst: University of Massechusets, 1995.
Orcalli, Angelo. "Le hasard se calcule": Una testi de Iannis Xenakis. Padua: Imprimitur, 1990.
Papadatos, Joseph. Werkanalyse zu Iannis Xenakis' 'Jonchaies'. Examensarbeit. Düsseldorf: Staatliche Hochschule für Musik, 1985.
Portrait(s) de Iannis Xenakis. ed., François-Bernard Mâche. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, 2001.
Présences de / Presences of Iannis Xenakis. ed., Makis Solomos, Paris, CDMC, 2001.
Raanan, Ruth Béatrix. N'Shima de Iannis Xenakis: composition avec le souffle. Analyse de l'Ïuvre. Master's Thesis. Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales/Université Paris IV/IRCAM, 1998.
Regards sur Iannis Xenakis. ed. Hugues Gerhards, Preface by Maurice Fleuret. Paris: Stock, 1981. Collection of forty-eight brief articles in French, along with a list of works, biography, discography and bibliography.
Revault d'Allonnes, Olivier. Xenakis: Les Polytopes. Paris: Balland, 1975.
Ruohomäki, J. Ylesiä pürteitä Iannis Xenakisen musiikillisesta ajattulesta metodeista ja teoksista. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 1977.
Santana, Helena. L'orchestration chez Iannis Xenakis: l'espace et le rythme fonctions du timbre. Doctoral Dissertation. Université de Paris IV, 1998. Publication: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, Villeneuve DÕAscq, 1999.
Sato, M. Iannis Xenakis: Sugaku ni yori sakkyoku. Tokyo: University of Tokyo, 1978.
Serrou, Bruno. Iannis Xenakis, l'homme des défis. Editions Cig'art, 2004.
Schmidt, Christoph. Komposition und Spiel: Zu Iannis Xenakis. Cologne: Verlag Schewe, 1995.
Sevrette, Daniel. Etude statistique sur `Herma' de Xenakis. Paris: Schola Cantorum, 1973.
Smith, Jeffrey B. "Parallels in the development of electronic and percussion music and an examination of preformance problems in Lejaren Hiller's `Machine Music' for piano, percussion and two-channel tape recorder with three recitals of selected works of Rolnick, Kessner, Xenakis, Winson, Niimi, and others." Doctoral Thesis. Denton: University of North Texas, 1992.
Solomos, Makis. "A propos des premières oeuvres (1953-69) de Iannis Xenakis: Pour une approche historique de l'émergence du phénomène du son." Doctoral Dissertation. Paris: Université de Paris IV, 1993.
---------. Iannis Xenakis. Mercuès: P.O. Editions, 1996. A brief chronological overview of Xenakis's music, along with conceptual-analytical discussions adapted from the author's dissertation. Includes a list of works, discography and brief bibliography.
---------. Xenakis: Annotated Bibliography. (forthcoming).
Squibbs, Ronald. "An analytical approach to recent music of Iannis Xenakis." Doctoral Dissertation. Yale University, 1996.
Sward, Rosalie la Grow. "An examination of the mathematical systems used in selected compositions of Milton Babbitt and Iannis Xenakis." Doctoral Dissertation. Evanston: Northwestern University, 1981.
Tric, Olivier. "Le processus de conception en architecture:O Point de vue monotopique - un architecte regarde les polytopes." DEA Thesis. Université de Rennes, 1992.
Uno, Yayoi. "The roles of compositional aim, syntax, and design in the assessment of musical styles: analyses of piano music by Pierre Boulez, John Cage, Milton Babbitt, and Ianns Xenakis circa 1950." Doctoral Dissertation. Rochester: Eastman School of Music, 1994.
Varga, Béling Andrés. Conversations with Iannis Xenakis. London: Faber & Faber, 1996. First part published in Hungarian as Beszélgetések Iannis Xenakisszal. Budapest: Zenemükiadó, 1980. Published in German as Gespräche mit Iannis Xenakis, tr. Peter Hoffmann & C.-L. Sandor. Zürich/Mainz: Atlantis Musikbuch-Verlag, 1995. The most comprehensive set of interviews published in English.
Wardell, Ziaoman Zhang. "An examination of selected contemporary works composed by means of numbers (Bela Bartók, Olivier Messiaen, Alban Berg, Iannis Xenakis)." Doctoral Thesis. Claremont: The Claremont Graduate University, 1996.
`Xenakis.' L'Arc no. 51 (1972). Collection of nine articles along with three discussions with the composer in French.
`Iannis Xenakis.' MusikTexte 13 (1986): 17-60. Collection of four articles in German, along with a list of works, discography and bibliography.
`Iannis Xenakis.' Musik-Konzepte nos. 54-55 (1987). Collection of four articles, one interview, and a detailed bibliography in German, along with a list of works and discography.
`Swiat Xenakisa.' ed. Maria Anna Harley. Muzyka 43, no. 3 (1998). Collection of seven articles in Polish, along with a list of works, discography and bibliography.
Xenakis. ed. Enzo Restagno. Turin: EDT/Musica, 1988. Collection of six articles and a lengthy interview in Italian, along with a list of works, discography and bibliography.
Xenakis studies: in memoriam. ed., James Harley. Contemporary Music Review vol. 21 no.2-3, 2002.
Yoken, D.W. Iannis Xenakis' `Psappha': A performance analysis. La Jolla: University of California at San Diego, 1985.
Discography (selected)
Complete String Quartets - mode 209 DVD/CD (2009)
Tetras (1983)
Tetora (1990)
ST-4/1,080262 (1962)
Ergma (1994) (The Jack Quartet)
Electronic Works 2 - mode 203 DVD/CD (2008)
Hibiki Hana Ma (1970) - electroacoustic
Polytope de Cluny (1972) - electroacoustic
Neg-Ale (1960) - piccolo, horn, cello, and percussion (soundtrack for "Vasarely")
Xenakis - Explore 7111838 (2006)
Synaphaï (1969) - piano and orchestra (Geoffrey Douglas Madge - piano)
Aroura (1956) - string orchestra
Antikhthon (1971) - orchestra (New Philharmonia Orchestra, Elgar Howarth- conductor)
Kraanerg - mode 196 DVD/CD (2006)
Kraanerg (1969) - chamber orchestra and electroacoustic (4 channels) (Callithumpian Consort, Stephen Drury - conductor)
Xenakis Percussion Works - mode 171-173 (2006)
Persephassa (1969) - percussion sextet (red fish blue fish)
Psappha (1975) - percussion solo (Steven Schick - percussion)
Dmaathen (1976) - oboe and percussion (Jacqueline Leclair - oboe, Steven Schick - percussion)
Pléïades (1978) - percussion sextet (red fish blue fish)
Komboï (1981) - harpsichord and percussion (Shannon Wettstein - harpsichord, Aiyun Huang - percussion)
Kassandra (1987) - baritone and percussion (Philip Larson - voice, Steven Schick - percussion)
Okho (1989) - three djembes (red fish blue fish)
Oophaa (1989) - harpsichord and percussion (John Mark Harris - harpsichord, Greg Stuart - percussion)
Rebonds (1988) - percussion solo (Steven Schick - percussion)
La Légende d'Eer - mode 148 DVD/CD (2006)
La Légende d'Eer (1977) - electroacoustic (7-channel)
Xenakis: Orchestral Works, Vol. 5 - Timpani 1C1113 (2006)
Metastaseis (1954) - orchestra
Pithoprakta (1956) - orchestra
ST/48 (1962) - orchestra
Achorripsis (1957) - chamber orchestra
Syrmos (1959) - string orchestra
Hiketides (1964) - piano and orchestra (orchestra Philharmonique du Luxembourg, Arturo Tamayo - conductor)
Music for Strings - mode 152 CD (2005)
Syrmos (1959) - 18 strings
Aroura (1971) - 12 strings
Voile (1995) - 20 strings
Theraps (1976) - solo contrabass (John Eckhardt - contrabass)
Analogique A+B (1959) - 9 strings and electroacoustic tape
Ittidra (1996) - string sextet (Ensemble Resonanz, Johannes Kalitzke - conductor)
Xenakis: Orchestral Works, Vol. 4 - Timpani 1C1136 (2004)
Erikhthon (1974) - piano and orchestra (Hiroaki Ooï - piano)
Ata (1987) - orchestra
Akrata (1965) - wind ensemble
Krinoïdi (1991) - piano and orchestra (orchestra Philharmonique du Luxembourg, Arturo Tamayo - conductor)
Iannis Xenakis - Psappha, Rebonds A & B, Okho Pour Trois Djembés -Zig Zag Territoires CD/DVD ZZT 040901 (2004)
Okho (1989) - three djembes
Rebonds (1988) - percussion solo
Psappha (1975) - percussion solo (Pedro Carneiro - percussion)
Iannis Xenakis - Anastenaria / Troorkh / Aîs - Col Legno WWE 1CD 20086 (2003)
Procession Aux Eaux Claires (1953) - orchestra and mixed chorus (Symphonie-Orchester Des Bayerischen Rundfunks, Chor Des Bayerischen Rundfunks, Charles Zacharie Bornstein - conductor)
Le Sacrifice (1953) - orchestra
Metastaseis (1954) - orchestra (Symphonie-Orchester Des Bayerischen Rundfunks, Charles Zacharie Bornstein - conductor)
Troorkh (1991) - trombone solo and orchestra (Mike Svoboda - tyrombone, Symphonie-Orchester Des Bayerischen Rundfunks, Peter Rundel - conductor)
Aîs (1980) - baritone, percussion solo and orchestra (Spyros Sakkas - baritone, Sylvio Gualda - percussion, Symphonie-Orchester Des Bayerischen Rundfunks, Michel Tabachnik - conductor)
Xenakis: Orchestral Works, Vol. 3 - Timpani 1C1131 (2002)
Eridanos (1972) - orchestra
Horos (1986) - orchestra
Kyania (1990) - orchestra
Synaphaî (1969) - piano and orchestra (Hiroaki Ooï - piano, orchestra Philharmonique du Luxembourg, Arturo Tamayo - conductor)
Xenakis: Orchestral Works, Vol. 2 - Timpani 1C1158 (2001)
Antikhthon (1971) - orchestra
Jonchaies (1977) - orchestra
Lichens (1984) - orchestra
Shaar (1982) - string orchestra (orchestra Philharmonique du Luxembourg, Arturo Tamayo - conductor)
Xenakis, UPIC, Continuum: Electroacoustic & Instrumental Works from CCMIX Paris - mode 98/99 (2001)
Mycenae Alpha (1978) - computer-generated (UPIC)
Polytope de Cluny (1972) - electroacoustic
Xenakis: Orchestral Works, Vol. 1 - Timpani 1C1057 (2000)
Aïs (1980) - baritone solo, percussion solo, orchestra (Spyros Sakkas -
baritone, Béatrice Daudin - percussion)
Tracées (1987) - orchestra
Empreintes (1975) - orchestra
Noomena (1974) - orchestra
Roàî (1991) - orchestra (Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg, Arturo
Tamayo - conductor)
Persepolis - FractalOX (2000)
Persepolis (1971) - electroacoustic
Early Modulations: Vintage Volts - Caipirinha Music
CAI.2027.2 (2000)
Concret PH (1958) - electroacoustic
Xenakis - Col Legno WWE 1CD 20504 (2000)
Ata (1987) - orchestra (Südwestfunk Sinfonieorchester, Michael Gielen -
Charisma (1971) - clarinet, cello (Hans Deinzer - clarinet, Siegfried
Palm - cello)
Ioolkos (1996) - orchestra (Südwestfunk Sinfonieorchester, Kwamé Ryan -
Jonchaies (1977) - orchestra (Nouvel Orchestre Philharmonique, Gilbert
Amy - conductor)
Metastaseis (1954) - orchestra (Südwestfunk Sinfonieorchester, Hans
Rosbaud - conductor)
N'Shima (1975) - 2 mezzo-sopranos, 2 horns, 2 trombones cello (Les
Jeunes Solistes, Rachid Safir - conductor)
Messiaen and his Pupils - Chandos CHAN 9663 (1999)
À Hélène (1977) - female choir
Nuits (1967) - mixed chamber choir
Serment (1981) - mixed choir (Danish National Radio Choir, Jesper Grove
Jorgensen - conductor)
Xenakis Ensemble - Bvhaast CD 9903 (1999)
O-Mega (1997) - solo percussion, ensemble (Johan Faber -
Thalleïn (1984) - ensemble (Xenakis Ensemble, Diego Masson -
Neue Vocalsolisten Stuttgart - Col Legno WWE 2CD 20030 (1999)
À Hélène (1977) - female choir
Nuits (1967) - mixed chamber choir (Neue Vocalsolisten Stuttgart,
Manfred Schreier - conductor)
Xenakis, Vol. 4 - Mode MOD 80 (1999)
À r. (1987) - piano
Dikhthas (1979) - violin, piano (Jane Peters - violin)
Evryali (1973) - piano
Herma (1961) - piano
Mists (1981) - piano (Aki Takahashi - piano)
Palimpsest (1979) - ensemble (Aki Takahashi - piano, Society for New
Music, Charles Peltz - conductor)
Xenakis Ensemble - Bvhaast CD 9805 (1998)
À l'ƒle de Gorée (1986) - solo harpsichord, ensemble
Eonta (1963) - piano, brass quintet
Paille in the Wind (1992) - cello, piano (Xenakis Ensemble)
KammerensembleN - Caprice Records CAP 21581 (1998)
Jalons (1986) - ensemble (KammarensembleN, B. Tommy Andersson -
Cello Octet - Channel Classics CCS 11798 (1998)
Windungen (1976) - cello ensemble (Cello Octet Conjunto
Xenakis Choral Music - Hyperion CDA 66980 (1998)
À Colone (1977) - male choir, horn, trombone, double bass
Medea (1967) - male choir, mixed ensemble (5) (New London
Chamber Choir,
Critical Band, James Wood - cond.)
Nuits (1967) - mixed choir
Serment (1981) - mixed choir
Knephas (1990) - mixed choir (New London Chamber Choir, James Wood -
Xenakis - Stradivarius STV 4001 (1998)
Persephassa (1969) - percussion ensemble (6)
Psappha (1975) - percussion solo
Okho (1989) - percussion trio (Demoe Percussion Ensemble)
Donaueschingen 96 - Col Legno AU 20008 (1998)
Ioolkos (1995) - orchestra (Südwestfunks Sinfonieorchester Baden-Baden,
Kwamé Ryan - cond.)
Xenakis: Electronic Music - Electronic Music Foundation EMF CD 003
Diamorphoses (1957) - electroacoustic tape
Concret PH (1958) - electroacoustic tape
Orient-Occident (1960) - electroacoustic tape
Bohor (1962) - electroacoustic tape
Hibiki-Hana-Ma (1970) - electroacoustic tape
S.709 (1994) - electroacoustic tape
Iannissimo! - Vandenburg VAN 0003 (1997)
Waarg (1988) - mixed ensemble (13)
Charisma (1971) - clarinet, cello (Michiyo Suzuki - clarinet, Dan
Barrett - cello)
Analogiques A + B (1958) - string ensemble (9), electroacoustic tape
(Paul D. Miller - diffusion)
Thalleïn (1984) - mixed ensemble (14)
Herma (1961) - piano solo (Justin Rubin - piano)
Palimpsest (1979) - mixed ensemble (11) (ST/X Ensemble, Charles Zachary
Bornstein - cond.)
Xenakis: Live in New York - Vandenburg VAN 0001 (1997)
Phlegra (1975) - mixed ensemble (11)
Kuïlenn (1995) - wind ensemble (9)
Kaï (1995) - mixed ensemble (9)
Epicycles (1989) - cello, mixed ensemble (12) (Dan Barrett -
cello, ST/X
Ensemble, Charles Zachary Bornstein - cond.)
Xenakis - Varèse - Mode MOD 58 (1997)
Dämmerschein (1994) - orchestra
Persephassa (1969) - percussion ensemble (6) (La Déesse Athéna
(1992) - baritone, percussion, mixed ensemble (10), Philip Larson - baritone,
Timothy Adams - percussion, Carnegie Mellon Philharmonic, Juan Pablo Izquierdo
- cond.)
SMCQ `Live' - Analekta FL 2 3111 (1997)
Eonta (1963) - piano, brass ensemble (5) (Jacques Drouin - piano, SMCQ,
Walter Boudreau - cond.)
Wien Modern III - Deutsche Grammophon 447 115-2 (1997)
Keqrops (1986) - piano, orchestra (Roger Woodward - piano, Gustav Mahle
Jugendorchester, Claudio Abbado - cond.)
Iannis Xenakis: Kraanerg - Asphodel-Sombient 0975 (1997)
Kraanerg (1969) - mixed ensemble (23), electroacoustic tape
(ST/X Ensemble,
Charles Zachary Bornstein - cond., Paul D. Miller - diffusion)
Iannis Xenakis - Accord 205652 (1996)
Anaktoria (1969) - mixed ensemble (8) (Octuor de Paris)
Oophaa (1989) - harpsichord, percussion (Elisabeth Chojnacka, Sylvio
Charisma (1971) - clarinet, cello (Alain Damiens, Pierre Strauch)
Mists (1981) - piano solo (Claude Helffer)
Mikka (1971), Mikka `S' (1976) - violin solo (Maryvonne Le Dizès
- violin)
Morsima-Amorsima (1962) - violin, cello, double bass, piano (Jacqueline
Mefano - piano, members of the Octuor de Paris)
Xenakis: Ensemble Music 2 - Mode MOD 56 (1996)
Échange (1989) - bass clarinet, mixed ensemble (13) (Michael Lowenstern
- bass clarinet, ST/X Ensemble)
Okho (1989) - percussion trio (Pablo Rieppi, Robert McEwan, David
XAS (1987) - saxophone quartet (Susan Cook, John Engebretson, Shawn
Tracy, Mathew Cashman)
Akrata (1965) - wind ensemble (16)
Mnamas Xapin Witoldowi Lutoslawskiemu (1994) - trumpets (2), horns (2)
(ST/X Ensemble, Charles Zachary Bornstein - cond.)
Pléïades - Harmonia Mundi HMC 905185 [re-released as
HMA 1905185 (1996)]
Pléïades (1978) - percussion ensemble (6) (Percussion de
Xenakis: Ensemble Music 1 - Mode MOD 53 (1996)
Plektó (1993) - mixed ensemble (6)
Eonta (1963) - piano, brass ensemble (5) (Justin Rubin - piano)
Akanthos (1977) - soprano, mixed ensemble (8) (Susan May - soprano)
Rebonds (1988) - percussion solo (Robert McEwan - percussion)
N-Shima (1975) - female voices (2), mixed ensemble (5) (Catherine Aks,
April Lindevald - voices, ST/X Ensemble, Charles Zachary Bornstein -
Neue Musik für Oboe - Berlin Classics 0011722BC (1996)
Dmaathen (1976) - oboe, percussion (Burkhard Glaetzner - oboe, Gerd
Schenker - percussion)
Irvine Arditti - BIS CD-772 (1996)
Dox-Orkh (1991) - violin, orchestra (Irvine Arditti - violin, Moscow
Philharmonic Orchestra, Jonathan Nott - cond.)
Markus Leoson plays . . . - Caprice Records CAP 21466 (1996)
Rebonds (1988) - percussion solo (Markus Leoson - percussion)
Sciarrino - Bussotti - Berio - Xenakis - Arts 47135-2 (1996)
Waarg (1988) - mixed ensemble (13) (Contempoartensemble, Mauro Ceccanti
- cond.)
Iannis Xenakis 2 - Auvidis Montaigne MO 782058 (1995)
La légende d'Eer (1977) - electroacoustic tape
Alain Damiens plays . . . - ADDA 581277 (1995)
Charisma (1971) - clarinet, cello (Alain Damiens - clarinet, Pierre
Strauch - cello)
Kagako Matsunaga plays . . . - Vienna Modern Masters VMM
2014 (1995)
Evryali (1973) - piano solo (Kagako Matsunaga - piano)
Paul Zukofsky plays . . . - Datum CP2 108 (1995)
Mikka (1971) - violin solo
Mikka `S' (1976) - violin solo (Paul Zukofsky - violin)
Iannis Xenakis - Neuma 450-86 (1994)
Aïs (1980) - baritone, percussion, orchestra (Philip Larson - baritone,
Steven Schick - percussion, La Jolla Symphony Orchestra, Thomas Nee
- cond.)
Gendy3 (1991) - electroacoustic tape
Taurhiphanie (1987) - electroacoustic tape
Thalleïn (1984) - mixed ensemble (14) (SONOR Ensemble, Rand Steiger -
10-Year Jubilee - BIS CD 638 (1993)
Keren (1986) - trombone solo (Christian Lindberg - trombone)
Electro Acoustic Music: Classics - Neuma 45074 (1993)
Mycenae Alpha (1978) - electroacoustic tape
Iannis Xenakis - Erato 2292-45770-2 (1992)
Phlegra (1975) - mixed ensemble (11) (Ensemble
InterContemporain, Michel
Tabachnik - cond.)
Jalons (1986) - mixed ensemble (15) (EIC, Pierre Boulez - cond.)
Keren (1986) - trombone solo (Benny Sluchin - trombone)
Nomos Alpha (1966) - cello solo (Pierre Strauch - cello)
Thalleïn (1984) - mixed ensemble (14) (EIC, Michel Tabachnik
- cond.)
Iannis Xenakis 1: Musique de chamber 1955-1990 - Auvidis Montaigne
782005 (1992)
Tetras (1983) - string quartet
Mists (1980) - piano solo
Kottos (1977) - cello solo
Herma (1961) - piano solo
Embellie (1981) - viola solo
À r. (Hommage à Ravel) (1987) - piano solo
Mikka (1971) - violin solo
Mikka `S' (1976) - violin solo
Akea (1986) - piano, string quartet
Dikhthas (1979) - violin, piano
Tetora (1990) - string quartet
Nomos Alpha (1966) - cello solo
Ikhoor (1978) - string trio
Evryali (1973) - piano solo
ST/4 (1962) - string quartet (Claude Helffer - piano, Arditti String
Yuji Takahashi - Denon CO 1052 (1992)
Evryali (1973) - piano solo
Herma (1961) - piano solo (Yuji Takahashi - piano)
Xenakis: Spectrum - Wergo WER 6178 (1991)
Akanthos (1977) - soprano, mixed ensemble (8) (Penelope Walmsey-Clark -
Dikhthas (1979) - violin, piano (Irvine Arditti - violin,
Claude Helffer
- piano)
Palimpsest (1979) - mixed ensemble (11)
Épéï (1976) - mixed ensemble (6) (Spectrum Ensemble, Guy Protheroe -
Pléïades / Psappha - BIS CD 482 (1991)
Pléïades (1978) - percussion ensemble (6) (Kroumata
Percussion Ensemble)
Psappha (1975) - percussion solo (Gert Mortensen -
Ivan Monighetti: 20th Century Works for Cello - Chante du Monde LDC
2781059 (1991)
Kottos (1977) - cello solo (Ivan Monighetti - cello)
Arditti String Quartet & Trio Le Cercle - Auvidis Montaigne
782002 (1991)
Okho (1989) - percussion trio (Trio Le Cercle)
Skin Hits - Globe GLO 5066 (1991)
Okho (1989) - percussion trio (Percussion Group, The Hague)
Perkin' at Merkin - Mode MOD 25 (1991)
Psappha (1975) - percussion solo (Michael Pugliese -
Iannis Xenakis: ASKO Ensemble - Live 1 - Attacca Babel
9054-1 (1990)
Échange (1989) - bass clarinet, mixed ensemble (13) (Harry Sparnaay -
bass clarinet)
Palimpsest (1979) - mixed ensemble (11)
Waarg (1988) - mixed ensemble (13)
Eonta (1963) - piano, brass ensemble (5) (Aki Takahashi - piano, ASKO
Ensemble, David Porcelijn - cond.)
Iannis Xenakis: Oresteïa - Salabert Actuels SCD8906
Oresteïa (1966) - mixed choir, mixed ensemble (12)
1) Agememnon
2) Kassandra (1987) - baritone, percussion, strings
3) Agamemnon
4) Les Choephores
5) Les Euménides
(Spiros Sakkas - baritone solo, Sylvio Gualda - percussion solo, Choeur de
Département musical de l'Université de Strasbourg, Maïtrise de
Colmar, Ensemble
Vocal d'Anjou, Ensemble de Basse-Normandie, Dominique Debart -
Messiaen / Xenakis - Arion CD ARN 68084 (1990)
Nuits (1967) - mixed choir (Groupe Vocal de France, Michel Tranchant -
Elisabeth Chojnacka, Sylvio Gualda - ADDA 581224 (1990)
Oophaa (1989) - harpsichord, percussion (Elisabeth Chojnacka -
harpsichord, Sylvio Gualda - percussion)
Pléïades / Concertante - Denon CO 73-678 (1990)
Pléïades (1978) - percussion ensemble (6) (Percussion de
Kraanerg - Etcetera KTC 1075 (1989)
Kraanerg (1969) - mixed ensemble (23), electroacoustic tape (Alpha
Centauri Ensemble, Roger Woodward - cond.)
The Virtuoso Clarinet - Finlandia FACD 366 (1989)
Anaktoria (1969) - mixed ensemble (8) (Kari Kriikku - clarinet, Avanti
Chamber Orchestra)
Le Trombone Contemporain - ADDA 581087 (1989)
Keren (1986) - trombone solo (Benny Sluchin - trombone)
Arditti I - Gramavision 74402 (1989)
Tetras (1983) - string quartet (Arditti String Quartet)
New Music Series, vol. 1 - Neuma 450-71 (1988)
Theraps (1976) - double bass solo (Robert Black - double
Iannis Xenakis - Chant du Monde LDC 278-368
Eonta (1963) piano, brass ensemble (5) (Yuji Takahashi -
piano, Ensemble
Instrumental de Musique Contemporaine de Paris, Konstantin
Simonovitch - cond.)
Metastaseis (1954) - orchestra
Pithoprakta (1956) - orchestra (Orchestre National de l'ORTF,
Maurice Le
Roux - cond.)
List of Works (Chronological)
Sept pièces sans titre, Menuet, Air populaire, Allegro molto, Mélodie, Andante: 1949-50 - piano
Six chansons: 1950-51 - piano
Dhipli zyia (duo): 1952 - violin, cello
Zyia: 1952 - 2 versions: a) soprano, male chorus (10 minimum), flute, piano; b) soprano, flute piano
Trois poèmes: 1952 - reciting voice, piano
La colombe de la paix: 1953 - viola and mixed choir
Anastenaria. Procession aux eaux claires: 1953 - mixed choir (30), male choir (15) orchestra (62) - 11’
Anastenaria, Le sacrifice: 1953 - orchestra (51) - 6’.
Stamatis Katotakis, chanson de table: 1953 - voice and male choir (3 parts), unpublished
Metastaseis: 1953-54 - orchestra (60)
Pithoprakta: 1955-56 - string orchestra (46), 2 trombones, percussion
Achorripsis: 1956-57 - orchestra (21)
Diamorphoses: 1957 - electroacoustic
Concret PH: 1958 - electroacoustic
Analogique A et B: 1958-59 - string ensemble (9), electroacoustic
Syrmos: 1959 - string ensemble (18 or 36)
Duel: 1959 - 2 orchestras (56 total) and 2 conductors; variable
Orient-Occident: 1960 - electroacoustic
Herma: 1961 - piano
ST/48, 1-240162: 1956-62 - orchestra (48)
ST/10; 1-080262: 1956-62 - ensemble (10)
ST/4, 1-080262: 1956-62 - string quartet
Morsima-Amorsima (ST/4, 2-030762): 1956-62 - piano, violin, cello, bass
Atrées (ST/10, 3-060962): 1956-62 - ensemble (11)
Stratégie: 1962 - 2 orchestras (82 total) and 2 conductors; variable (10 to 30’)
Polla ta dhina: 1962 - children's choir (20), orchestra (48)
Bohor: 1962 - electroacoustic
Eonta: 1963-64 - piano, brass quintet
Hiketides: 1964 - brass quartet, string ensemble (24 or double)
Akrata: 1964-65 - wind ensemble (16)
Terretektorh: 1965-66 - spatilaized orchestra (88)
Oresteîa: 1965-66 - children's choir, mixed choir (36), ensemble (12)
Nomos alpha: 1965-66 - cello
Polytope de Montréal: 1967 - 4 identical ensembles (14 each)
Medea Senecae: 1967 - male choir, clarinet, bassoon, trombone, cello, percussion
Nuits: 1967-68 - mixed choir (12)
Nomos gamma: 1967-68 - spatialized orchestra (98)
Kraanerg: 1968-69 - ensemble (23), electroacoustic
Anaktoria: 1969 - clarinet, bassoon, horn, 2 violins, viola, cello, bass
Persephassa: 1969 - 6 percussion
Synaphaî: 1969 - piano, orchestra (86)
Hibiki Hana Ma: 1969-70 - electroacoustic
Charisma: 1971 - clarinet, cello
Persépolis: 1971 - electroacoustic
Aroura: 1971 - string ensemble (12)
Mikka: 1971 - violin
Antikhthon: 1971 - orchestra (60 or 86)
Polytope de Cluny: 1972 - electroacoustic
Linaîa-Agon: 1972 - horm, trombone, tuba
Eridanos: 1972 - orchestra (68)
Evryali: 1973 - piano
Cendrées: 1973 - mixed choir (36 or 72), orchestra (73)
Erikhthon: 1974 - piano, orchestra (88)
Gmeeoorh: 1974 - organ
Noomena: 1974 - orchestra (103)
Empreintes: 1975 - orchestra (85)
Phlegra: 1975 - ensemble (11)
Psappha: 1975 - percussion
N’Shima: 1975 - 2 mezzo-sopranos, 2 horns, 2 trombones, cello
Theraps: 1975-76 - double bass
Khoaî: 1976 - harpsichord
Retours-Windungen: 1976 - 12 cellos
Epeî: 1976 - oboe, clarinet, trumpet, 2 trombones, bass
Mikka-S: 1976 - violin
Dmaathen: 1976 - oboe, percussion
La légende d’Eer: 1977 - electroacoustic
A Hélène: 1977 - female or male choir
Akanthos: 1977 - soprano, flute, clarinet, piano, 2 violins, viola, cello, bass
A Colone: 1977 - female or male choir (20), ensemble (18)
Kottos: 1977 - cello
Jonchaies: 1977 - orchestra (109)
Ikhoor: 1978 - trio à cordes
Mycenae alpha: 1978 - electroacoustic
Pléîades: 1978 - 6 percussion
Palimpsest: 1979 - ensemble (11)
Anemoessa: 1979 - mixed choir (42 or 84), orchestra (90)
Dikhthas: 1979 - violin, piano
Aîs: 1980 - baritone, percussion, orchestra (92)
Mists: 1981 - piano
Embellie: 1981 - viola
Serment-Orkos: 1981 - mixed choir (32 minimum)
Komboî: 1981 - harpsichord, percussion
Nekuîa: 1981 - mixed choir (54 or 80), orchestra (98)
Pour la Paix: 1981 - a) mixed choir (32 minimum) b) mixed choir, 4 reciters, electroacoustic c) 4 reciters, electroacoustic (tape and pre-recorded choir) d) electroacoustic - 10’ (a), 26’45 (b, c, d).
Pour Maurice: 1982 - baritone, piano
Pour les Baleines: 1982 - string orchestra (60)
Shaar: 1982 - string orchestra (60)
Tetras: 1983 - string quartet
Chant des soleils: 1983 - children's choir, mixed choir, brass ensemble (18 minimum), percussion
Khal Perr: 1983 - brass quintet, 2 percussion
Lichens: 1983-84 - orchestra (96)
Thalleïn: 1984 - ensemble (14)
Naama: 1984 - harpsichord
Nyûcyô: 1985 - quartet of Japanese instrments (shakuhachi, sangen, 2 kotos)
Idmen A: 1985 - mixed choir (32 minimum), 4 percussion
Idmen B: 1985 - 6 percussion
Alax: 1985 - 3 ensembles (30 total)
A l’île de Gorée: 1986 - harpsichord, ensemble (12)
Keren: 1986 - trombone
Horos: 1986 - orchestra (89)
Keqrops: 1986 - piano, orchestra (92)
Akea: 1986 - piano, string quartet
Jalons: 1986 - ensemble (15)
A R. (hommage à Maurice Ravel): 1987 - piano
Kassandra: 1987 - baritone, percussion
Tracées: 1987 - orchestra (94)
XAS: 1987 - saxophone quartet
Ata: 1987 - orchestra (89)
Taurhiphanie: 1987 - electroacoustic
Rebonds: 1987-88 - percussion
Waarg: 1988 - ensemble (13)
Echange: 1989 - bass clarinet, ensemble (13)
Epicycle: 1989 - cello, ensemble (12)
Voyage absolu des Unari vers Andromgède: 1989 - electroacoustic
Oophaa: 1989 - harpsichord, percussion
Okho: 1989 - 3 percussion
Knephas: 1990 - mixed choir (32 minimum)
Tuorakemsu: 1990 - orchestra (90)
Kyania: 1990 - orchestra (90)
Tetora: 1990 - string quartet
Dox-Orkh: 1991 - violin, orchestra (89)
Roáî: 1991 - orchestra (90)
Krinoîdi: 1991 - orchestra (71)
Gendy3: 1991 - electroacoustic
Troorkh: 1991 - trombone, orchestra (89)
La déesse Athéna: 1992 - baritone, ensemble (11)
Pu wijnuej we fyp: 1992 - children's choir (21 minimum)
Paille in the wind: 1992 - cello, piano
The Bacchaie: 1993 - baritone, women's choir (16 minimum), ensemble (9)
Mosaîques: 1993 - orchestra (91)
Plekto: 1993 - flute, clarinet, percussion, piano, violin, cello
Dámmerschein: 1993-94 - orchestra (89)
Sea Nymphs: 1994 - mixed choir (24 minimum)
Mnamas kharin Witoldowi Lutoslawskiemu: 1994 - brass quartet
S.709: 1994 - electroacoustic
Ergma: 1994 - string quartet
Koîranoî: 1995 - orchestra (88)
Kaî: 1995 - ensemble (9)
Voile: 1995 - string ensemble (20)
KuÎlenn: 1995 - wind ensemble (9)
Ioolkos: 1996 - orchestra (89)
Hunem-Iduhey: 1996 - violin, cello
Roscobeck: 1996 - cello, bass
Ittidra: 1996 - string sextet
Zythos: 1996 - trombone, 6 percussion
Sea-Change: 1997 - orchestra (88)
O-Mega: 1997 - percussion, ensemble (13)
Listing of Works Released on Compact Disc
À Colone (1977) - male choir, horn, trombone, double bass (Hyperion CDA 66980)
Á Hélène (1977) - female choir (Chandos CHAN 9663, Col Legno WWE 2CD 20030)
Á l'ƒle de Gorée (1986) - harpsichord, mixed ensemble (12) (Erato Musifrance 2292-45030-2, Bvhaast CD 9805)
À r. (Hommage à Ravel) (1987) - piano solo (Auvidis Montaigne 782005, Mode MOD 80)
Aïs (1980) - baritone, percussion, orchestra (Neuma 450-86, Timpani 1C1057)
Akanthos (1977) - soprano, mixed ensemble (8) (Mode 53, Wergo WER 6178-2)
Akea (1986) - piano, string quartet (Auvidis Montaigne 782005, Bvhaast CD 9219)
Akrata (1965) - wind ensemble (16) (Mode 56)
Anaktoria (1969) - mixed ensemble (8) (Accord 205652, Finlandia FACD 366)
Ata (1987) - orchedstra (Col Legno WWE 1CD 20504)
Bohor (1962) - electroacoustic tape (EMF CD 003)
Charisma (1971) - clarinet, cello (Accord 205652, Adda 581277, Col Legno WWE 1CD 20504)
Concret PH (1958) - electroacoustic tape (EMF CD 003, Caipirinha Music CAI.2027.2)
Diamorphoses (1957) - electroacoustic tape (EMF CD 003)
Dikhthas (1979) - violin, piano (Auvidis Montaigne 782005, Wergo WER 6178-2, Mode MOD 80)
Dmaathen (1976) - oboe, percussion (Berlin Classics 0011722BC)
Échange (1989) - bass clarinet, mixed ensemble (13) (Attacca Babel 9054-1, Mode 56)
Embellie (1981) - viola solo (Auvidis Montaigne 782005)
Empreinte (1975) - orchestra ( Timpani 1C1057)
Eonta (1963) - piano, brass ensemble (5) (Analekta FL 2 3111, Attacca Babel 9054-1, Chant du Monde LDC 278-368, Mode 53, Teldec 2292 46442-2, Bvhaast CD 9805)
Épéï (1976) - mixed ensemble (6) (Wergo WER 6178-2)
Epicycle (1989) - cello, mixed ensemble (12) (Bvhaast CD 9219, Vandenburg 0001)
Ergma (1994) - string quartet (Vanguard 99066)
Evryali (1973) - piano solo (Auvidis Montaigne 782005, Denon CD 1052, Koch-Schwann 311 802, Vienna Modern Masters VMM 2014, Mode MOD 80)
Gendy3 (1991) - electroacoustic tape (Neuma 450-86)
Herma (1961) - piano solo (Auvidis Montaigne 782005, Denon CD 1052, Tall Poppies TP 37, Mode MOD 80)
Hibiki-Hana-Ma (1970) - electroacoustic tape (EMF CD 003)
Horos (1986) - orchestra (Lyra 0087)
Idmen A & B (1985) - mixed choir, percussion ensemble (6) (Erato Musifrance 2292-45771-2)
Ikhoor (1978) - string trio (Auvidis Montaigne 782005, Erato Musifrance 2292-45019-2)
Ioolkos (1995) - orchestra (Col Legno AU 20008, Col Legno WWE 1CD 20504)
Jalons (1986) - mixed ensemble (15) (Erato 2292-45770-2, Erato 4509-98496-2, Caprice Records CAP 21581)
Jonchaies (1977) - orchestra (Col Legno AU 31830, Col Legno WWE 1CD 20504)
Kaï (1995) - mixed ensemble (9) (Vandenburg 0001)
Kassandra (1987) - baritone, percussion, strings (optional) (Salabert Actuels SCD 8906)
Keqrops (1986) - piano, orchestra (Deutsche Grammophon 447 115-2)
Keren (1986) - trombone solo (Adda 581087, BIS 338, BIS 638, Erato 2292-45770-2)
Khoaï (1976) - harpsichord solo (Erato Musifrance 2292-45030-2, Finlandia FACD 357)
Knephas (1990) - mixed choir (Hyperion CDA 66980)
Kottos (1977) - cello solo (Auvidis Montaigne 782005, Chant du Monde LDC 2781059, Lyra 0086, Music Today WWCC 7107-10)
Kraanerg (1969) - mixed ensemble (23), electroacoustic tape (Asphodel-Sombient 0975, Etcetera KTC 1075)
Kuïlenn (1995) - wind ensemble (9) (Vandenburg 0001)
Kyania (1990) - orchestra (Fontec FOCD 3157)
La Légende d'Eer (1977) - electroacoustic tape (Auvidis Montaigne MO 782058)
Medea (1967) - male choir, mixed ensemble (5) (Hyperion CDA 66980)
Metastaseis (1954) - orchestra (Ades 941222, Chant du Monde LDC 278 368, Col Legno WWE 1CD 20504)
Mikka (1971) - violin solo (Accord 205652, Auvidis Montaigne 782005, CD2 108)
Mikka `S' (1976) - violin solo (Accord 205652, Auvidis Montaigne 782005, CD2 108, Contedisc 208)
Mists (1981) - piano solo (Accord 205652, Adda AD 581241, Auvidis Montaigne 782005, Hungaroton HCD 12569, Koch-Schwann 311 802, Mode MOD 80)
Mnamas Xapin Witoldowi Lutoslawskiemu (1994) - trumpets (2), horns (2) (Mode 56)
Morsima-Amorsima (1962) - violin, cello, double bass, piano (Accord 205652, Tall Poppies TP 39)
Mycenae Alpha (1978) - electroacoustic tape (Neuma 450-74)
Naama (1984) - harpsichord solo (Erato Musifrance 2292-45030-2)
Nomos Alpha (1966) - cello solo (Auvidis Montaigne 782005, Erato 2292-45770-2)
Noomena (1974) - orchestra ( Timpani 1C1057)
N'Shima (1975) - female voices (2), mixed ensemble (5) (Col Legno AU 31836, Mode 53, Col Legno WWE 1CD 20504)
Nuits (1967) - mixed choir (Ades 941222, Arion CD ARN 68084, Hyperion CDA 66980, Chandos CHAN 9663, Col Legno WWE 2CD 20030)
Okho (1989) - percussion trio (Auvidis Montaigne 782002, Globe GLO 5066, Mode 56)
O-Mega (1997) - percussion solo, mixed ensem ble (Bvhaast CD 9903)
Oophaa (1989) - harpsichord, percussion (Accord 205652, Adda 581224)
Oresteïa (1966) - mixed choir, mixed ensemble (12) (Koch-Schwann 311 802, Salabert Actuels SCD 8906)
Orient-Occident (1960) - electroacoustic tape (EMF CD 003)
Paille in the Wind (1992) - cello, piano (Bvhaast CD 9805)
Palimpsest (1979) - mixed ensemble (11) (Attacca Babel 9054-1, Wergo WER 6178-2, Mode MOD 80)
Persephassa (1969) - percussion ensemble (6) (Philips 442 218-2)
Persepolis (1971) - electroacoustic (FractalOX)
Phlegra (1975) - mixed ensemble (11) (Erato 2292-45770-2, Vandenburg 0001)
Pithoprakta (1956) - orchestra (Chant du Monde LDC 278 368)
Pléïades (1978) - percussion ensemble (6) (BIS CD 482, CBS/Sony 32DC 691, Denon CO 73-678, Erato Musifrance 2292-45771-2, Harmonia Mundi HMC 905185, Philips 442218-2)
Plektó (1993) - mixed ensemble (6) (Mode 53)
Psappha (1975) - percussion solo (Audio-Visuals de Sarria 25.1538, BIS CD 482, Bvhaast CD 9501, CBS/Sony 32DC 673, Globe Records GLO 140, Koch-Schwann 311 802, Mode 25)
Rebonds (1988) - percussion solo (Bvhaast CD 9219, Caprice Records CAP 21466, Globe Records GLO 140, Koch-Schwann 311 802, Mode 53, Newport Classics NCD 85566, Willibrord Classics WCCD 606531 95-2)
Roéï (1991) - orchestra ( Timpani 1C1057)
S.709 (1994) - electroacoustic tape (EMF CD 003)
Serment (1981) - mixed choir (Hyperion CDA 66980, Chandos CHAN 9663)
ST/4 (1962) - string quartet (Auvidis Montaigne 782005)
Stratégie (1962) - 2 orchestras (Colosseum 3447253)
Taurhiphanie (1987) - electroacoustic tape (Neuma 450-86)
Tetora (1990) - string quartet (Auvidis Montaigne 782005)
Tetras (1983) - string quartet (Gramavision 74402, Auvidis Montaigne 782005, Auvidis Montaigne 782070 (excerpt))
Thalleïn (1984) - mixed ensemble (14) (Erato 2292-45770-2, Neuma 450-86, Bvhaast CD 9903)
Theraps (1976) - double bass solo (Neuma 450-71)
Tracées (1987) - orchestra (Timpani 1C1057)
Voyage absolu des Unari vers Andromède (1989) - electroacoustic tape (Perspectives of New Music PNM 28)
Waarg (1988) - mixed ensemble (13) (Arts 47135-2, Attacca Babel 9054-1, New Music Classics NMC 001)
Windungen (1976) - cello ensemble (12) (Telefunken CD-842339 ZK, Channel Classics CCS 11798)
XAS (1987) - saxophone quartet (Caprice Records CAP 21435, Erol Records 7019, MG-Sound 5356405, Mode 56)
Updated 29 April 2010