Stephen  G O L D I N G

				This work reflects on a question asked in 
				the film "Shoah." Standing at the remains of 
				Auschwitz a train engineer is asked, "where 
				there sunny days like this?" In this series 
				you have the visual clues of a sunny day but 
				the lighting is all wrong.
				Road to Necropolis, series of ten 20" x 24" 
				cibachrome, 1994
				Hybrid process utilizing traditional means 
				and electronic imaging. B/W pictures scanned 
				into a computer are manipulated and composed 
				into a singular form. Result is output to b/w 
				negative and printed. Color is applied using 
				oils, air brushing, pencils, etc. Finally , 
				the image is rescanned and re-worked, the out-
				put to 4 x 5 slides and printed on Cibachrome.
				 A R T I S T S