Humanities | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University


The Mindful Mona Lisa: Bridges of Peace and Understanding

Francis Bacon’s Novum Organum (1620) is one of the most influential scientific texts of the early modern era.  Interestingly, in the context of this blog’s novel hypothesis that the Mona Lisa may be an allegory of “Esperienza” -- Italian for both experience and experiment -- Bacon’s tract uses the word “experience” over thirty times, including examples like this: 

  • “The foundations of experience (our sole resource) have hitherto failed completely or have been very weak; nor has a store and collection of particular facts, capable of informing the mind or in any way satisfactory, been either sought after or amassed.”
  • “(O)ur only hope is in the regeneration of the sciences, by regularly raising them on the foundation of experience and building them anew, which I think none can venture to affirm to have been already done or even thought of.”

The Mindful Mona Lisa: Quantum Cloud of Leonardo’s Alchemy

In the above image (Codex Atlanticus 520r, c. 1490) Leonardo writes:

“Body born of the perspective of Leonardo Vinci, disciple of experience.  Let this body be made not with examples of another body but only with simple lines.”

This is one of his greatest declarations of respect for esperienza, meaning both experience and experiment.