Bulat M. Galeyev | Leonardo

Bulat M. Galeyev

Teacher in physics and aesthetics, 1962–63; Lecturer in physics and philosophy Kazan Aviation Institute, 1963–66; scientific worker, 1966–94; head of SKB Prometheus, director of scientific and research institute for experimenatl aesthetics affilated with Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan and Kazan State Technical University, Kazan, 1994–present, author of more than 10 books and over 400 papers published in national and international editions (on the theory of light-music and synesthesia), film director, theatrical performances director, director of light-music performances and video art installations, SKB (institute) "Prometei", 1964–present; organizer of 15 conferences and festivals in Kazan and Moscow, Professor of aesthetics of Kazan Conservatory, 1990–present. Email: galeyev@prometey.kcn.ru.

Journal Articles

LEA Abstracts

February 2000
Historical Perspective on the Arts, Sciences and Technology

Grigory Gidoni: Another Renascent Name

June 2000

Open Letter to Ray Bradbury

February 2001

Was Scriabin a Synesthete?

August 2001

Open Letter on Synesthesia

August 2001
Theoretical Perspectives on the Arts, Sciences and Technology

Evolution of Gravitational Synesthesia in Music: To Color and Light!

April 2003
Historical Perspectives

Mikhail Matyushin's Contribution to Synthetic Art

April 2005
Leonardo Reviews

Musical-Aesthetic Education: Synesthesia and Complex Influence of Arts

June 2005

Are “Cognitive Fossils” Significant for Art? Studies of Synesthesia in Normal and Abnormal Cases

August 2005

Creative Interpretation of the Cosmos

August 2000

Psychology of Color

August 2000

Russian Cosmism and the Russian Avant-Garde

February 2001
Theoretical Perspectives

The Nature and Functions of Synesthesia in Music

June 2007
Extended Abstract

The Singing Shamail: A Computer Sound Installation

October 2007
