LASER Talks Louisville: Vibrant Entities: Co-Creating with Nature | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

LASER Talks Louisville: Vibrant Entities: Co-Creating with Nature

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The Leonardo/ISAST LASERs are a program of international gatherings that bring artists, scientists, humanists and technologists together for informal presentations, performances and conversations with the wider public. The mission of the LASERs is to encourage contribution to the cultural environment of a region by fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and opportunities for community building to over 50 cities around the world. Find out more @lasertalks


LASER Chairs

Rebecca Norton


Date: February 13, 2025

Time: 7 pm / EST

Title: Vibrant Entities: Co-Creating with Nature

Event info:

Speakers Bios 

Sy Safi: Sy Safi is a national and international award-winning sustainability designer, consultant and cutting-edge builder in both residential and commercial construction. Having grown up working in construction with his brothers and father, Sy was inspired to learn, innovate, create, and execute revolutionary practices in the built-environment. He graduated from the University of Cincinnati with a degree in Civil & Environmental Engineering and started GCCM Construction Services to better focus on advancing the construction industry to the 21st century by supporting and encouraging excellent design to restore our natural ecosystems and be net positive in energy, water and waste. To further awareness and education, in 2012, Sy created My Green Kentucky Home, a model home that is Kentucky's first Net Zero Energy, Net Zero Water home certified LEED Platinum by the US Green Building Council. Since then, he's adopted the most stringent third-party programs in the Living Building Challenge, Passive House and the WELL Building Standard, while becoming a Department of Energy Zero Energy Ready Home Partner, a Certified Passive House Consultant, Certified Passive House Builder and WELL Accredited Professional. 

Valerie Fuchs: Valerie Sullivan Fuchs is fascinated by intra-actions with nature. She emulates nature’s self-sustainable energy, by integrating solar power, hydroelectricity into digital media, NFTS, video, installation and sculpture. Collections; Cleveland Clinic, 21c Museum, Muhammad Ali Airport, Revive Corp.,Laura Lee Brown & Steve Wilson, Brook Smith, SNAP. Exhibitions; 21c Museums, Cleveland Clinic, Spring/Break, NYC; American Embassy, Stockholm, Sweden; Contemporary Arts Museum, Santa Barbara, CA; Non-Grata Festival, Pärnu, Estonia; Galerie Eugene Lendl, Graz, Austria; BELEF Art Festival, Belgrade, Serbia, Speed Art Museum. Grants; Great Meadows Foundation, KY Arts Council, Al Smith Fellowship; KY Foundation for Women, Hadley Creative. Reviews; Art Papers, Dialogue, American Theatre, MIT’s Leonardo, Louisville Courier-Journal, 21c Artist Check-In, Under-Main. Published writing: LEO, Pitch Magazine, Beauty Unlimited, an anthology by Peg Brand. Residencies: Berlin Collectiv, Spain’22 Mustarinda, Finland,’19, Works On Water ’18-’19, NYC. Collectives: Berlin Art Collectiv, Sine::Apsis Experiments, ENID.

Nathaniel Hendrickson: Nathaniel Hendrickson is an interdisciplinary artist, painter, curator, documentary filmmaker, and freelance producer based between Casey County and Louisville, KY. Their work explores the edge of performance and visual art and has worked on collaborative projects internationally with the Open Program of the Work center of Jerzy Grotowski (Italy/Turkey/Lebanon/USA); Hyunji Park (Korea/Finland); Gianluigi Biagini (Finland/Italy); Pietro Varrasso (Belgium) among others. Currently, their focus lies on exploring themes related to the ecological crisis, human perception, and the metamorphic sublime. 

Douglas Lucas: Based in an undisclosed location, Douglas Lucas works in various locations primarily in the United States and Europe in the fields of sound, film, text, collage, performance, and installation. He has run two record labels; Arcana Machine, releasing esoteric sound recordings, and NONE records, the only label ever to release anti-records exclusively. He also has curated numerous performances, exhibitions, and screenings.

Location: MaybeItsFate, 1425 Story Ave, Louisville, KY





MaybeItsFate is a Louisville-based and member-owned social collective and club. Our mission is to foster the conditions for emergence — the emergence of new connections, ideas, art, and opportunities — through spaces designed for anyone who desires to be plugged into the creative pulse of the city. The collective is a member-owned cooperative that fosters a physical space and virtual space to fulfill its mission. The physical space offers a public art gallery and a members-only salon. The virtual space offers access to ideas, art, events, and opportunities for members from anywhere.


IG: @maybeitsfatesocial

February 13th, 2025 7:00 PM
1425 Story Ave
Louisville, KY 40206
United States
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