WELCOMING NEW LEONARDO LASER HOSTS | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University


By Sophie Fouladi

Leonardo welcomes our New Laser Hosts: /SAC Bucharest & Institute for Applied Creativity!

/SAC Bucharest is a significant addition to our LASER Network, with a mission of fostering authentic, unmediated dialogue between creators and audiences. /SAC serves as a transdisciplinary platform for artistic and curatorial collaboration, bridging various disciplines and services to facilitate artistic discourse and production organization. Through its core functions—Exhibition, Research, and Communication—/SAC aims to foster dynamic dialogue and interaction. By collaborating with artists, curators, and theorists from local and international contemporary art scenes, /SAC seeks to create relevant and timely contexts for artistic expression. 

The Institute for Applied Creativity (IAC) at the College of Performance, Visualization & Fine Arts, Texas A&M University, is dedicated to advancing human creativity by integrating advanced technology, groundbreaking research, and transformative education. The IAC promotes collaborative research with creative technologies, empowers the next generation of innovators, and enhances outreach and community engagement. As a catalyst for creative, collaborative research at Texas A&M University, the IAC fosters a dynamic ecosystem that ignites creativity, merges art with cutting-edge technology, and harnesses collective ingenuity to shape a brighter future. It spearheads interdisciplinary collaborations across diverse fields, including veterinary medicine, nursing, engineering, and beyond, building a robust network that bridges art and non-art disciplines to drive innovation.

We look forward to the creative possibilities LASER Bucharest and LASER College Station will bring to local and international art communities.