notes on not opening the black box (open studios 2024) | Leonardo/ISASTwith Arizona State University

notes on not opening the black box (open studios 2024)

procedural steps not to open the black box

  1. Photograph with a medium format toy camera a ghostly landscape, preferably a queer one.
  2. Develop and digitize the film.
  3. Input one of the images into the beta-release of an image generation model. Edit by including prompts referencing witchcraft.
  4. Make a digital composite of the output and the original image.
  5. Turn into black and white and invert image to create a digital negative.
  6. Print on transparency paper.
  7. Coat watercolor paper with Part A and Part B of cyanotype emulsion (pre-coated paper or fabric are also acceptable for this step).
  8. Place negative on paper in between a piece of cardboard and a sheet of acrylic and clamp.
  9. Expose to UV light al gusto and rinse.
  10. Scan the resulting print and enlarge.  
  11. Make an inkjet print on fabric.