Image Credit: Photograph by Ron Reagan
I am honored and excited to join the Leonardo team as editor-in-chief of their prestigious journal. In 1968, Frank Malina first conceptualized the need for a journal that would make creative practitioners occupying the terrain between disciplines aware of the work of similar practices, to build communities of support and inspiration. This was necessary because the space between disciplines, as it turned out, was often cold and lonely, with many risking their careers and reputations by working outside of traditional academic structures.
Today, the landscape is very different, partly thanks to Leonardo’s success. We have moved from "WHY art, science, and technology?" to "HOW?" How do we engage with integrative and collaborative practices and methodologies that are impactful?
We see academia looking to this area to revitalize a struggling educational system. Industry sees this space as a source of innovation. Funders are curious to understand its potential. Our society, which struggles with complex challenges ranging from climate change to racism, is increasingly turning to collaborative work, drawing from many toolboxes of knowledge to find solutions. Today, it is necessary for us not just to communicate with one another, but to broaden the circle of influence — to leverage our experiences at the intersection of art, science, and technology for the benefit of our larger society — to innovate, to inspire one another and, when necessary, help each other heal. The benefits of our practice are only limited by our imagination. I look forward to working with our community to foster trajectories that can not only transform knowledge production within our disciplines, but also benefit society.
— JD Talasek