LMJ25 Call for Papers: The Politics of Sonic Art
Call for Papers: LMJ25 -- The Politics of Sonic Art
For Volume 25 of Leonardo Music Journal we are soliciting articles (papers of up to 3,000 words) and shorter statements (750-1,000 words) that address the role of politics in the creation and dissemination of music and related sonic arts, especially in those genres employing new technological tools.
Possible areas of attention include (but are not limited to):
- The mechanisms by which sonic art can represent and communicate political content without recourse to language. Creative activity under precarious conditions in zones of war, repression and censorship.
- Historical and political divisions between the categories of technician, composer, and inventor in electronic music studios and live performance.
- How gendered, racial, cultural, and class privileges operate in technologically driven music.
- The relationship of phonography and sound walks to environmental activism.
- The ecological politics of computers and other of short-lifespan materials (recycling vs. landfills).
- The development of alternative music controllers in response to disabilities.
- Who benefits and who loses in a file-sharing market?
Field of Study: